Party Happenings

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I Went To The Fights And A Magic Show Broke Out!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Tuesday, July 12, 2011, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 
Oh my! A fight nearly broke out a birthday party I was performing at this weekend. The would be combatants were face to face, getting hotter and threatening blows. I was both horrified and transfixed as I watched. It was all unfolding in front of me as they were about 20 feet behind where the kids were sitting.
Now, since this was a two year old’s birthday party and the children watching were mostly three and four year olds you might think two of kids were going to fight over where t...
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Balloon Swords Drive Mom Crazy

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Friday, May 21, 2010, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 

Moms have to put up with a lot. I know, I was one myself (a Mr. Mom during the week and performing shows in the evenings and weekends.) So when a mom books me for a birthday party magic show and she wants me to make balloon animals for all the kids I bring up the subject of Balloon Swords.
Kids love them. Mostly boys love them but some girls too ask for them. I love them. I practiced the martial art of fencing for years. One of my favorite movies of all time is the Three Musketeers with Micha...
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Party of Five

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Monday, May 10, 2010, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 
These days I always ask how many children will be at the party for the magic show. If I am doing balloon animals I need to make sure I have a balloon for the last child at the last party of the day.
It also helps me know what kind of crowd to expect. Will it be a packed house or just a handful of kids. I like a large group of kids. Much more energy comes at me and I bounce it back. It changes the show. I suppose if my show was one where the kids sit and watch it like a TV show it would not ma...
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Keep It A Secret!

Posted by Douglas Hoover on Sunday, February 21, 2010, In : Maybe not funny but interesting! 
I like to use video clips of parents talking about my shows so other moms and dads can feel confident hiring me. Today I mentioned this after one of my birthday party magic shows but the mom and dad begged off going on camera citing they worked for the government and didn't want their likeness on the internet! So instead they gave me verbal recommendations. Cool.

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Doug's Funnies

Comedy Kids Magician Doug Hoover Some funny things happen at my shows. I'll post some that might give you a chuckle!